$275 for 5 days per week.
Part time slots (2-4 days) also available.
The program follows the Creative Curriculum and provides an opportunity for the children to have a choice in their environment, to explore, and learn freely through play. Their day is filled with literacy, music, dramatic play, science, music, art, developmentally appropriate games, manipulatives, gross motor time, and large and small group activities. Preschool students are provided with a breakfast, hot lunch, and an afternoon snack.
Preschool Daily Schedule
7:00-8:15- Arrival Time/ Free Play
8:15-9:00- Breakfast Time/ Reading
9:00-9:15- Circle Time
9:15-10:00- Center Time
10:00-11:00- Outside Time/Gross motor activities
11:00-11:10- Wash Hands/Getting ready for lunch
11:10-11:30- Lunch
11:30-11:45- Bathroom Time/Getting ready for nap
11:45-2:30- Nap time/Wake up room
2:30-3:15- Snack Time/Story Time
3:15-4:15- Outside Time/ Small centers
4:15-5:00- Free Play/Pick up Time
5:00-5:30 Home Toys/Pick up Time