$300 for 5 days per week.
Part time slots (2-4 days) also available.
The Toddler program provides a safe, healthy, and exciting learning environment for toddlers to be able to grow and develop. The Toddler program follows the Creative Curriculum. The Creative Curriculum provides a blueprint that outlines how children learn, where they are developmentally, and what appropriate goals are for their first three years of life.
The Creative Curriculum focuses on having children learn through play and experience. It takes into account that every child learns differently and at their own rate.
7:00-8:00- Parent drop off/ Free Play
8:00-9:00- Breakfast/Free Play
9:00- 9:30- Crafts/Free Play
9:30- 10:00- Clean up/ Diapering and toileting/ Getting ready for outside time
10:00-11:00- Outside time (if weather permits)/ Gross motor activities
11:00-11:30- Lunch time
11:30-11:40- Quiet time/ Diapering and toileting/ Getting settled for nap
11:40-2:30- Nap time/ Quiet fine motor activities
2:30-3:00- Snack time/ Diapering and toileting
3:00-4:00- Outside time (if weather permits)/ Gross motor activities/ Finishing up crafts
4:00-5:30- Free Play/Diapering and toileting/Parent pick-up
**Although there are designated diapering/toileting times, children are also checked hourly and changed as needed**